Hi, thanks for your reply and that you share your experience on this.
I'm planning to migrate to new wifi-capsman (qcom-ac package), but read mixed reviews about it (at least for 7.14 - VLANs not working properly (bridge filtering), huge packetloss issues, radios not assigning channels). Not sure if I'm waiting until this has been ironed out.
yes they are.Are the radios transmitting on different channels (preferably 2412, 2437 and/or 2462)?
My experience is that the channels are equal when all (my) access points are provisioned at the same time.
0 MDBR name="IoT 2.4Ghz-AP1-1" mac-address=[REDACTED] arp-timeout=auto radio-mac=[REDACTED] master-interface=none radio-name="18FD74C22E3A" configuration=IoT l2mtu=1600 current-state="running-ap" current-channel="2412/20/gn(10dBm)" current-rate-set="OFDM:12-54 BW:1x SGI:1x HT:0-15" current-basic-rate-set="OFDM:12-54" current-registered-clients=20 current-authorized-clients=20 1 MDBR name="IoT 2.4Ghz-AP2-1" mac-address=[REDACTED] arp-timeout=auto radio-mac=[REDACTED] master-interface=none radio-name="48A98A56B73F" configuration=IoT l2mtu=1600 current-state="running-ap" current-channel="2462/20/gn(10dBm)" current-rate-set="OFDM:12-54 BW:1x SGI:1x HT:0-15" current-basic-rate-set="OFDM:12-54" current-registered-clients=4 current-authorized-clients=4
Statistics: Posted by h1ghrise — Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:30 am