1) Default setting is frame-types=admit-all ... so if it's not changed explicitly according to needs, it'll remain that way.
2) Do as you see fit. IMO access to management VLAN should be as restricted as possible but also depends on particular use case.
3) Bridge is (also) interface which allows ROS to communicate with nerworks passing bridge the switch-like entity. To enable it, bridge port has to be made member of appropriate VLAN(s). See this explanation of different bridge personalities.
4) If you want to use CRS317 as router, then you definitely want to go L3HW way. Without L3HW this device has shitty routing performance.
2) Do as you see fit. IMO access to management VLAN should be as restricted as possible but also depends on particular use case.
3) Bridge is (also) interface which allows ROS to communicate with nerworks passing bridge the switch-like entity. To enable it, bridge port has to be made member of appropriate VLAN(s). See this explanation of different bridge personalities.
4) If you want to use CRS317 as router, then you definitely want to go L3HW way. Without L3HW this device has shitty routing performance.
Statistics: Posted by mkx — Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:39 am