Use the 7.13 Netinstall.Yesterday I setted up the device as a station while working on 7.13, got the Internet access and updated device to the 7.14.
So, now, after the upgrade (to 7.14) I have hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT bricked by the update and nothing is able to see device alive, I tried: ...
With the 7.13 RouterOS ... 13-arm.npk
and add the Wireless package (if needed). ...
Just follow this instruction.
However, you might need to try Netinstall several times, as there is a bug in Netinstall.
Follow the instructions, start Netinstall and plug in the power on the router while holding the res/wps button.
When the router becomes visible in Netinstall, release the button and follow the upgrade instructions.
Netinstall will show it's "sending offer" to the router.
If Netinstall does NOT show it's formatting the flash on the router and then uploading the packages, it did not work and you have to close the Netinstall app, unplug the router, and then try again.
It took me about 20 times or so before Netinstall finally worked.
Statistics: Posted by Thasaidon — Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:48 am