on real devices, not in eve-ng, everything works as expected.
The only thing is, if the DHCP-Server interface is on VRRP, the Mac from the Lease use the wrong Interface on the ARP Table.
If i use in DHCP the Bridge Interface, the ARP Entry will be created by the DHCP Server with the right Interface (Bridge)
/interface bridge add arp=reply-only name=bridge1/interface vrrp add arp=reply-only interface=bridge1 name=vrrp1/ip dhcp-server add add-arp=yes interface=vrrp1 name=server1/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether2/ip address add address= interface=bridge1 network= address add address= interface=vrrp1 network= arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=00:00:5E:00:01:01/ip arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=08:55:31:A7:25:06/ip arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=C8:5B:76:E2:1B:80/ip dhcp-server lease add address= mac-address=C8:5B:76:E2:1B:80 server=server1/ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server= gateway= netmask=24/system identity set name=R1/system note set show-at-login=no/tool romon set enabled=yes
/interface bridge add arp=reply-only name=bridge1/interface vrrp add arp=reply-only interface=bridge1 name=vrrp1 priority=50/ip dhcp-server add add-arp=yes interface=vrrp1 name=server1/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1/interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether2/ip address add address= interface=bridge1 network= address add address= interface=vrrp1 network= arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=00:00:5E:00:01:01/ip arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=08:55:31:AA:04:A2/ip arp add address= interface=bridge1 mac-address=C8:5B:76:E2:1B:80/ip dhcp-server lease add address= mac-address=C8:5B:76:E2:1B:80 server=server1/ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server= gateway= netmask=24/system identity set name=R2/tool romon set enabled=yes
The only thing is, if the DHCP-Server interface is on VRRP, the Mac from the Lease use the wrong Interface on the ARP Table.
If i use in DHCP the Bridge Interface, the ARP Entry will be created by the DHCP Server with the right Interface (Bridge)
Statistics: Posted by TikYAN — Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:11 pm