Sure, it's well known fact that when you don't use a UPS, then capacitors that are next to heatsinks fail quickly. But when you use a UPS, then the capacitors move away from the heatsink automagically thus extending their lifetime.Can happen with any brand.
The world should know, Mikrotik is NOT reliable.
My CCR1036 (Old design with only one PSU) has 4 PSU failed in a row for each year. I just need to switch to another router to keep the internet on.
It's ridiculously faulty design for a vital network device supposed to run 24X7 365 days a year, failed each year on PSU.
But this right here "My CCR1036 (Old design with only one PSU) has 4 PSU failed in a row for each year" I call bullshit.
If 4 different PSU fail on you, I put the blame 100% on you for not protecting your equipment with a good UPS, if at all.
The original revision of CCR1036 was badly designed.
The PSU gets no airflow at all and the capacitors that keep failing are right next to a heatsink.
I've had multiple of those fail on proper datacenters with UPS, generators, constant 21 degree ambient temps, the works, and they still failed multiple times. You call bullshit on Tier 3-Tier4 Datacenters too?
Statistics: Posted by Cha0s — Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:10 pm