With WPA3, Protected Management Frames should be required or allowed, so you can either use WPA2 with PMF disabled, or use WPA3, which requires the use of PMF. As I mentioned in my previous post, this is a security risk, but the decision to take it or not is a personal one. If you insist on using WPA3, you have to put up with possible 'SA Query Timeout' disconnects. I got the impression that the problem occurs on older devices (802.11 b/g/n) where WPA3 (it should work with 802.11 ax devices, but it isn't a must for older ones) is not suitable at all (certainly that was my case), so disabling PMF, when WPA2 is used for authentication was a non-proper, but still working approach.
Statistics: Posted by Urd — Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:26 pm