With some True or False, below seems to be working:
The only issue is that, not all sms are removed from the inbox, to be ready for next cycle.
It gives error: Vivacom-LTE, removing SMS, AT prefered (#=7) failed: +CMS ERROR: unknown error (6) and remove only one of the SMS
Probably this is as the SMS are on cyrilic, and are splited in three separate SMS.
But how to force delete them. Shuld i set removal command to be executed for example 10 times?
:global smsMessageRequired:if [/tool sms inbox find where message ~"1237"] do={:set $smsMessageRequired value=true} else={:set $smsMessageRequired value=false}:if ($smsMessageRequired=false) do={:return [:nothing]}:if ($smsMessageRequired=true) do={/tool/sms/send Vivacom-LTE phone-number=1237 status-report-request=no message=traffic:set $smsMessageRequired value=false:log info "Send SMS for Traffic reset"/tool sms inbox remove [find];}
It gives error: Vivacom-LTE, removing SMS, AT prefered (#=7) failed: +CMS ERROR: unknown error (6) and remove only one of the SMS
Probably this is as the SMS are on cyrilic, and are splited in three separate SMS.
But how to force delete them. Shuld i set removal command to be executed for example 10 times?
/tool sms inbox remove [find];/tool sms inbox remove [find];/tool sms inbox remove [find];/tool sms inbox remove [find];/tool sms inbox remove [find];
Statistics: Posted by hafte — Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:37 pm