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Scripting • Re: Change script to new time format

First of all, start by reformatting your ugly non readable one liner. You will never ever be able to see what is wrong in this mess.
:local dateint do={:local montharray ( "jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec" ):local days [ :pick $d 4 6 ]:local month [ :pick $d 0 3 ]:local year [ :pick $d 7 11 ]:local monthint ([ :find $montharray $month]):local month ($monthint + 1):if ( [len $month] = 1) do={:local zero ("0"):return [:tonum ("$year$zero$month$days")]} else={:return [:tonum ("$year$month$days")]}}:local timeint do={:local hours [ :pick $t 0 2 ]:local minutes [ :pick $t 3 5 ]:return ($hours * 60 + $minutes) }:local date [ /system clock get date ]:local time [ /system clock get time ]:local today [$dateint d=$date] :local curtime [$timeint t=$time] :local tyear [ :pick $date 7 11 ]:local lyear ($tyear-1):foreach i in [ /ip hotspot user find where comment~"/$tyear" || comment~"/$lyear" ] do={:local comment [ /ip hotspot user get $i comment]:local limit [ /ip hotspot user get $i limit-uptime]:local name [ /ip hotspot user get $i name]:local gettime [:pic $comment 12 20]:if ([:pic $comment 3] = "/" and [:pic $comment 6] = "/") do={:local expd [$dateint d=$comment] :local expt [$timeint t=$gettime] :if (($expd < $today and $expt < $curtime) or ($expd < $today and $expt > $curtime) or ($expd = $today and $expt < $curtime) and $limit != "00:00:01") do={:if ([:pic $comment 21] = "N") do={[ /ip hotspot user set limit-uptime=1s $i ][ /ip hotspot active remove [find where user=$name] ]} else={[ /ip hotspot user remove $i ][ /ip hotspot active remove [find where user=$name] ]}}}}
Same script, easier to read and understand.

There seems also to be one to may } at end of your script.

Script seems to be a copy of this one. viewtopic.php?t=188446

Statistics: Posted by Jotne — Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:11 pm

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