yesterday my ISP blocked my port automatically because of spoof. He told me my router sends about 600 connections per second.
How can I investigate what's going on?
Have RB4011 with the latest ROS.
WAN2 = tplink switch (computer, unifi AP etc.)
WAN3 = dlink switch (playstation, tv, computer, laptop, unifi)
Tried to disable WAN2 and WAN3, internet still dropping.
Problem is websites not loading (connection timeout). If I open ie forum.mikrotik.com, it works. After some seconds it doesn't work again for about 1 minute.
Ping works fine all the time.
Any help please what can I do?
Currently have ~200 connections in IP/Firewall/Connections
yesterday my ISP blocked my port automatically because of spoof. He told me my router sends about 600 connections per second.
How can I investigate what's going on?
Have RB4011 with the latest ROS.
WAN2 = tplink switch (computer, unifi AP etc.)
WAN3 = dlink switch (playstation, tv, computer, laptop, unifi)
Tried to disable WAN2 and WAN3, internet still dropping.
Problem is websites not loading (connection timeout). If I open ie forum.mikrotik.com, it works. After some seconds it doesn't work again for about 1 minute.
Ping works fine all the time.
Any help please what can I do?
Currently have ~200 connections in IP/Firewall/Connections
Statistics: Posted by Term — Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:43 am