And don't forget that you are using Windows and that using two characters for ending lines.
And unix/linux only uses one character for ending lines.
<CR> = Carriage return
<LF> = Line feed
For Windows
Ascii dec value 13,10
For Unix/Linux
Ascii dec value 10
For Mac OS Ver < 10
Ascii value dec 13
If you using relative newer versions of editor you can switch between thees 3 variants.
And then mark the text and copy and then paste. So you get the correct line endings with just <LF>.
And unix/linux only uses one character for ending lines.
<CR> = Carriage return
<LF> = Line feed
For Windows
Ascii dec value 13,10
For Unix/Linux
Ascii dec value 10
For Mac OS Ver < 10
Ascii value dec 13
If you using relative newer versions of editor you can switch between thees 3 variants.
And then mark the text and copy and then paste. So you get the correct line endings with just <LF>.
Statistics: Posted by patrikg — Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:14 pm