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Scripting • improve mac random switching

Hello everyone in general, I would like to be able to improve this script, given that when I change some more they are very similar and the objective I want is for each Mac to be totally random and therefore very different, I hope you can help me.
#Name of our wlan, if you have not modified these values in the mk, leave the default variable:local DenWlan "wlan";#In this variable, the numbers of the exit interfaces for which you want to change the mac-address are placed.#More can be added or removed, always respecting the format shown in the example.:local ListaDeIn [("1","2","3","4","5")];#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////:local hex 0123456789ABCDEF;:local cantPing 3;:local InterfazSaliente;:local direccionPing;:log warning "Global MAC change started";:local tonum do={ :local in ($1->0) :local j :for i from=0 to=([:len $in]-1) do={  :local t  :set t [:pick $in $i]  :if ($t!=" ") do={:set $j "$j$t"}   } :set j ([:tonum $j]) :return $j}:local fabM {"1CCB99";"60E3AC";"58F102";"54271E";"40D3AE";"24920E";"BCB308";"1CABA7";"5C70A3";"2C0E3D"};:local r;:local rs;:local posA;:local posB;:local i7;:local i8;:local i9;:local i10;:local longA;:local macLista;:for i from=0 to=([:len $ListaDeIn] - 1) do={:set $InterfazSaliente ($DenWlan.($ListaDeIn->$i));:set r [/interface ethernet get ether1 tx-bytes];:set r [$tonum $r];:set rs (:tostr $r);:set posA [:pick $rs 2];:set posB [:tonum $posA];:set i7 (($r/16)-(($r/16)/16)*16);:set i8 ($r-($r/16)*16);:set r [/interface ethernet get ether1 tx-bytes];:set r [$tonum $r];:set i9 (($r/14)-(($r/14)/14)*14);:set i10 ($r-($r/14)*14);:set longA ($fabM->$posB) ;:set macLista ($longA.[:tostr [:pick $hex $i7]].[:tostr [:pick $hex $i8]].[:tostr [:pick $hex $i9]].[:tostr [:pick $hex $i10]].[:tostr [:pick B]].[:tostr [:pick 0]]);/interface wireless set mac-address=$macLista [find where name=$InterfazSaliente];:log warning ("Interface MAC address ".$InterfazSaliente." changed to ".$macLista);:delay 1;}:log warning "All MACS changed";

Statistics: Posted by eXaLiTe — Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:55 am

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