Dear antonsb, I have seven containers running on a RouterOs v7.11rc on an x86, I got 2 CCR2116 which will also run these containers, four of these containers are used by Zabbix, and it is devouring cpus, it would be very useful to limit the usage cpus, just like you did with memory usage.what would be the use case for such limitation?
For example:
memory-limit: 8GB // this one already exists
cpus-limit: 0.7 // that would be 70% for containers and the remaining 30% is for RouterOs
Resources usually:
cpu-used: 3%
cpu-used-per-cpu: 4%,2%,0%,7%
free-memory: 14033348KiB
Resourses when refreshing Zabbix:
cpu-used: 100%
cpu-used-per-cpu: 100%,100%,100%,100%
free-memory: 13635712KiB
This is harming the operation of RouterOs.
Please consider this request and include cpus limit, it would bring RouterOs containers to a higher level.
SUP ticket number: SUP-125273
Thank you very much.
I have been using containers since version 7.4, it is scary to see the processing at 100%, but I have noticed that this does not affect the router's performance.
But this feature would be very welcome, and there would be no reason to worry about the cpu anymore.
Statistics: Posted by dzievamarcos — Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:37 am