The easiest way is to set different SSIDs to both wireless interfaces (you may keep same PSK for both, but you can set them different as well). Then configure stations to connect to whichever you want them to ... and make sure they don't "remember" the other SSID so that they don't connect to the other one if they get disconnected from the preferred one.
If separation on the wired part of your LAN is not your goal, then you just keep the rest of config as is now. If OTOH you'd like to separate both wireless networks and control communication of one subset of drvices, then you'd have to redesign your whole LAN.
If separation on the wired part of your LAN is not your goal, then you just keep the rest of config as is now. If OTOH you'd like to separate both wireless networks and control communication of one subset of drvices, then you'd have to redesign your whole LAN.
Statistics: Posted by mkx — Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:21 pm