This script checks the functionality of the server Pi.Hole with the address and if it stops giving a response, it changes the main DNS server, and reverse. Clearing the cache is necessary to get the effect from Pi.Hole.
:local MONNAME "pi.hole";:local URI "<BotAPICode>/sendMessage?chat_id=<CHID>&text=";:local intDNS "";:local extDNS "";:local activeDNS ([/ip dns print as-value ] ->"servers");:do { :if ( [:resolve $MONNAME server=$intDNS] != $activeDNS ) do={ :log error "Primary DNS is UP! again, switching to Pi-hole"; /ip dns set servers=$intDNS; /ip dns cache flush# /ip dhcp-client set use-peer-dns=no numbers=0 :local time [/sys clock get time]; /tool fetch url="$URI$MONNAME%20UP%20at%20$time" keep-result=no; }} on-error={ :if ( $extDNS != $activeDNS ) do={ :log error "Internal DNS is DOWN! switching to external DNS"; /ip dns set servers=$extDNS; /ip dns cache flush# /ip dhcp-client set use-peer-dns=yes numbers=0 :local time [/sys clock get time]; /tool fetch url="$URI$MONNAME%20DOWN%20at%20$time" keep-result=no; }}
Statistics: Posted by Kosmatik — Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:15 pm