Thanks holvoetn. I haven't been able to connect directly to the cAP lite, but will try to update them as well. Hoping this may some of the reason. The wireless package was added to the router, I tried adding the wireless from an update and lost the wireless and CAPsMan previously. I just might nuke the whole thing and start over with a bit more patience. Appreciate you taking the time!Basic problem:
L009-RM (the one without Wifi ??) = No wifi environment but since 7.13 it uses base wave2 settings (AX line and most arm-based devices using IPQ4018 chip)
Cap Lite = legacy wifi environment.
You can not mix apples and oranges.
But ... since you're already running 7.13, the option becomes available to have both capsman versions installed on the same device.
So you can ADD wireless package (see extra packages, drop on Files and reboot).
An additional wireless menu option will become available.
The capsman environment there will allow you to use cAP Lite.
Statistics: Posted by anotherdamnnewby — Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:25 am