I agree that forcing anyone and 50 posts limits, are not tenable but the following plan is very doable.
New posters are directed to a FORUM- DRAFT POSTS
This is where there posts go and the only threads (sticky) above the posting area are
a. a guidance document
b. an example template document
c. ancillary information for new users
I have no problems constructing such guidance and template that walks the poster on how to make a post and a few other things etc............. at least starting documents and hand them over to mods to improve. By ancillary, it could be, for example something as simple as , a wifi question should go in the WIFI forum, dont laugh!!!
The mods ( and you could have some that just do this draft forum etc.) would be to guide users to reasonable posts that are ready for the main forum.
If you have a new poster, and there first post in the Draft forum is gold, then they shortcut to the Main forums straight away, really no delay.
Once a smart person knows what is expected, they are off to the races, and that should be the norm ( pun intended ) dont you think!.
Someone new, will get free education on how to communicate their issues in coherent way, WIN WIN.
So basically, if you can show that you can make the effort to provide a quality post, you are good to go. Thats it!
If folks revert back to crappy posts, thats on them, at least we gave them the knowledge and tools to provide good posts. Most of us will focus on those posting with good communication, network diagrams, full config, requirements clear etc.. Those with crappy posts will wait longer.......... The focus is on good practice not enforcement.
The main objectives:
- will reduce frustration
- provides a structured approach to issues
- outcome will be better focused initial posts
- outcome will be quicker resolved issues
- more folks will be served
- threads will provide better solution examples being shorter and focused
- creates an expected standard of threads instead of the current chaos for initial posters and return posters.
Will the above provide instant MT config knowledge, of course not, but it will provide a solid, satisfying and happy start and make us all better posters and responders!
Normands, one must keep perspective, brainstorming ideas are not meant to shut down a concept or purpose, and yes often include untenable approaches. However, the overall goals we have are the same. The more I think about it, the more important it becomes to achieve success for new posters, especially for the few of us that regularly attempt to provide support. You didnt get to be a key person in MT by a "we cant do anything attitude".Nobody can enforce such things. Forum software is very basic. Either you allow people to post or not. Who fill enforce these templates and how?
I agree that forcing anyone and 50 posts limits, are not tenable but the following plan is very doable.
New posters are directed to a FORUM- DRAFT POSTS
This is where there posts go and the only threads (sticky) above the posting area are
a. a guidance document
b. an example template document
c. ancillary information for new users
I have no problems constructing such guidance and template that walks the poster on how to make a post and a few other things etc............. at least starting documents and hand them over to mods to improve. By ancillary, it could be, for example something as simple as , a wifi question should go in the WIFI forum, dont laugh!!!
The mods ( and you could have some that just do this draft forum etc.) would be to guide users to reasonable posts that are ready for the main forum.
If you have a new poster, and there first post in the Draft forum is gold, then they shortcut to the Main forums straight away, really no delay.
Once a smart person knows what is expected, they are off to the races, and that should be the norm ( pun intended ) dont you think!.
Someone new, will get free education on how to communicate their issues in coherent way, WIN WIN.
So basically, if you can show that you can make the effort to provide a quality post, you are good to go. Thats it!
If folks revert back to crappy posts, thats on them, at least we gave them the knowledge and tools to provide good posts. Most of us will focus on those posting with good communication, network diagrams, full config, requirements clear etc.. Those with crappy posts will wait longer.......... The focus is on good practice not enforcement.
The main objectives:
- will reduce frustration
- provides a structured approach to issues
- outcome will be better focused initial posts
- outcome will be quicker resolved issues
- more folks will be served
- threads will provide better solution examples being shorter and focused
- creates an expected standard of threads instead of the current chaos for initial posters and return posters.
Will the above provide instant MT config knowledge, of course not, but it will provide a solid, satisfying and happy start and make us all better posters and responders!
Statistics: Posted by anav — Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:27 pm